Perforated Pattern
Photoshop, urban gritty pattern
The objective of this project was to create a perforated pattern in Photoshop and use effects and blending modes to bring it to life. I started by creating the pattern in its own document and defining it as a pattern to be used in other documents.
I created a new document at 1800x1200 pixels and added a second layer, then set the layer style "pattern overlay" of the pattern I just defined. I altered the opacity to be able to see through the perforated pattern to the layer beneath, then converted it to a smart object to allow for editing later. I downloaded a stock photo of a rusty metal texture and defined it as a pattern in a new document, then applied it as a pattern overlay to the top layer. I added a reddish gradient overlay, bevel and emboss, inner shadow, and drop shadow to enhance the pattern and bring it to life.
After duplicating the layer, I added another texture that I made of a shiny metal surface to the original layer. I then chose a scratched, streaked looking texture. I created an ellipse in the middle of the document. I copied the layer style from the original layer then edited the pattern overlay, changing it to a pattern that I created and defined. I changed the drop shadow and color overlay. I then added the words and copied the layer style onto them, and altered the bevel and emboss to down, as well as changed the gloss contour. I changed the color overlay to black so that the words would stand out.
Finally, I added four small ellipses to make screws and changed the bevel and emboss to inner bevel and chisel hard. I was going for a gritty urban feel for this assignment.